
Tilly and the Wall , 一個來自名叫 Team Love 廠牌下的清新脫俗樂團 , 追求熱情,直率的音樂 .
從專輯名稱 中 就可以看出來他們的單純可愛以及歌詞中討論的友情和愛情 , 都帶有許多青澀的回憶 .

認識Tilly and the Wall 是從 2003年在看了Bright eyes表演後對其他團員的好奇之下而意外的訊連軟體發現此團!
而且在看過他們的MV之後 , 我只能說我深深的被Tilly and the Wall的xyz音樂狠狠地打動了!!
大家在MV中 ,看起來就像是一群相親相愛的玩伴 ,長大後一起組了一個樂團,這故事裡面有歡樂也有悲傷 , 但是回想起來總是很甜蜜的!! 是的 ,他們的音樂和MV 就是會讓我有如此強烈的感覺! 非常的DVD電影嚮往, 也常常被感動!!

在音樂上,Tilly and the Wall最特別的地方莫過於他們的踢踏節奏.以拍手和踢踏取代了鼓聲既純真又特別!
雖然整體的聲音聽起來還是相當生澀,專輯中甚至還有不小心錄到節拍器的聲音,但在他們簡短的歌曲中 , 不需要高級精準的錄音技術,就能觸動人心 , 這就是Tilly and the Wall的最大特色阿!!

據說他們現在也完成了他們的最新專輯啦~~燒錄軟體真期待Tilly and the Wall 將會帶給我的甜蜜驚喜!!

推薦專輯 , 孩子氣的專輯封面,內頁童心未泯呢!
Shake It Out.
The sun has passed from overhead
Let the night come in, let the night walk through your door
For every sleep spent in our beds
We will push our feet so hard the room will tear
In a carnival of smiles our faces glow
Oh the dark can make us feel so bold
There's no cold can make us want to stay at home
Every doubt in turn explodes
We all could pass right through
We all have nothing left to lose
It's not the fire, nor the warm drink
That heats my heart and lifts my heavy legs
Your strong hand has kept me here
No I will not go, no I will not say goodnight
I was told this town's so small it would not grow
I was told that, here, I would feel alone
There's no cold, no snow can make us lose our souls
The light we shine at once we follow
We all could pass right through
We all have nothing left to lose
You know that this night's true
Oh no there's nothing left to lose
We're all alive as we tumble over hours
You pull my hand in closer our faces blur
There's nothing we have left we cannot share
So come on baby let's dance
Get your body in motion
I don't want this to end
I don't want to climb those stairs and go to bed
So lets dance
Get your body in motion
I don't want this to end
I don't want to climb those stairs and go to bed
So lets dance
Get your body in motion
I don't want this to end
I don't want to climb those stairs and go to bed

    創作者 bueetcqi 的頭像


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