這間就是利物浦球隊副隊長卡拉格開的餐廳[分店]。卡拉格開的這間餐廳主旨是為了讓一家人能夠有個輕鬆看各類球賽的休閒餐廳。這間express算是比較小的分店。位於利物浦市中心的Liverpool 1。距離就在LFC Superstore不遠處。這天,天仙帶了兩個利物浦球迷來到這兒用餐。幸好兩位朋友心中有想來這間餐廳用餐的念頭。因為每次只要有朋友來,天仙最懊惱的地方就是不知道該帶去哪裡用餐才好呢。
This is Jamie Carragher's restaurant. He is the vice-captain of Liverpool Football Club. The theme of the restaurant is to provide a healthy and clean atmosphere for families to come and watch sports together. It is located in the city centre, in Liverpool 1. It's roughly about a two minute walk from the nearest Superstore, also in Liverpool 1. I brought two LFC fans to come dine here. It was a good thing they had this in mind, as I always have a hard time trying to figure out where to take my friends to dine when they come for a visit.
You can see Carragher everywhere.
Seeing the weather was agreeable, we decided to sit outside. Although it got colder as we sat, well, you can't diminish the passion of LFC fans that easily. These two friends of mine were very interested in local foods. They enjoyed the food here a lot more than many I had spoken with. They were also interested in trying out local specialities, which provided me an opportunity to introduce to you two dishes that I had not had a chance to write about until now.
Soup of the day.
The soup above is called "Scouse". The same name is used to refer to the dialect and the people of Liverpool, or in this particular region. This dish is mainly a beef or lamb stew, mainly popular among Northern European sailors. It got passed to Liverpool because it used to be one of the major ports, and up till today, it has become a local speciality.
這道叫做『Yorkshire Pudding』的菜色原本是做為『Sunday Roast』的主菜。主要是以烤牛肉[roast beef]、肉汁[gravy]、以及圖片中所看到類似麵包的食物組合而成的菜色。布甸指的其實就是下面那塊麵包。不過大家可別因為『pudding』一詞就認為這道菜應該是甜的。雖然看到肉這麼大一塊,天仙當然是不敢吃,但是這道菜真的是以鹹口味為主的唷!
This dish, here is called 'Yorkshire Pudding'. It began as a main staple for Sunday roasts. The way to have it is with roast beef and gravy. The 'bread' part of the dish is actually the 'pudding' part of the dish. However, just because it's called 'pudding', don't go assuming that this dish is sweet. Although that massive piece of beef is a major turn off for me, I know as a fact, that the dish is 'salty', rather than 'sweet'.
Fish and chips.
I know this is hardly a 'vegetarian' meal. But seeing that my opportunities for having fish and chips is lessening by the day, how could I give up this opportunity?
A table full of delicious food.
Inside the restaurant.
Although the owner is an LFC player, it doesn't mean that you are definitely going to run into Carra or other players. You have a much higher chance of running into them if you head to the main restaurant [info provide below]. However, don't come back and yell at me if you don't get to see them. I am not here to guarantee that.
更多關於Sunday Roast
卡拉格餐廳 Cafe Sports
天仙念:即使你不是LFC球迷,天仙照樣推薦這間餐廳。雖然服務普普通通... 但是食物至少都讓我們覺得還挺滿意的。