

Warning: Man. United Fans Prohibited.


什麼!!一個號稱是當紅利物浦球隊西班牙籍前鋒 Fernando Torres 的老婆,竟然跑去敵軍戰營 Old Trafford!!有沒有搞錯啊!?沒錯!!由於晃完教堂之後,當下覺得市區好像沒其他有看頭的地方,我只好淪落到搭上Metrolink,來到的敵軍戰營Old Trafford來閒晃!不過,除了覺得這個球場的確是很壯觀之外,其餘的時間,我都在努力的隱藏我的苦瓜臉。因為要是被人家看到了,一定馬上就認出我這個『間諜』來啦!

It's true!  I admit! I went to Old Trafford! How was this possible, though, for someone who claims to be the number one fan of the Spanish striker for Liverpool, Fernando Torres, to visit such a horrible place!  Well, after seeing the cathedral, I decided that there was not much left to see in the city centre.  That is the only reason I decided to see what Old Trafford is all about!  Other than the fact that it is undeniably an impressive stadium, from the outside, there is not much more I have to say.  I spent the whole time trying to refrain myself from making funny faces at it.  After all, I didn't want to get myself into trouble.

Pub near the stadium.

Not a chance I'm going in there!


其實我最後會想來的原因還有一個。因為我的好姊妹跟她男友是曼聯迷。因為他們有會員,所以偶爾會很幸運的買的到票來觀看球賽。因為這樣,所以想了解一下他們來看球賽時的路線。經過這次的Old Trafford之旅,才了解,居住在利物浦的曼聯迷,可真是不簡單啊。若是為了省錢坐coach,要花上一小時。到了曼城,又還要搭電車來到Old Trafford。電車到站後,又還要步行一段距離才能抵達球場。好辛苦啊!

There was actually another reason why I wanted to come to Old Trafford.  My best friend and her boyfriend are Man United fans.  They've got membership, so occasionally, they would come and watch the match here.  I wanted to see what it was like for them to come to the match.  After my trip, I realised what a hassle it had been for them.  It takes about an hour to get to Manchester on the coach.  After they arrive, they have to take the tram to Old Trafford, then walk for a while before reaching the stadium! What toil and trouble!


到了接待中心後,接待人員問我說要不要參加tour。問了之後得知tour要£12。我很想大聲叫出來說:『Anfield的tour我都還沒參加過,要我花錢參觀Old Trafford?門兒都沒有!!ULEAD軟體』不過當然是忍下來啦!畢竟也要看看我當時在誰的地盤嘛!哈哈呵呵!!*汗* 不過我還是進去Mega Store殺了一下時間。買了什麼?當!然!不!可!能!買!Macromedia相關系列啦!DVD9程式有沒有搞錯。

When I entered the reception area, they asked me if I wanted to join the tour.  Once I found out that it cost £12, I immediately said to myself, NO WAY, JOSE! Why? C'mon! Do you even need to ask?  I haven't even done the tour for Anfield, yet!  It would be insane to spend that money for a tour in a stadium of our enemy! But I did go into the Mega Store, just to kill time.  Yes, really.  And obviously, I did not spend a pence in that horrible place. Haha.

I simply had to.

I admit, it is rather cute.

There were four rows of cashiers like this!

這大概就是我的極限了... 不能在進去了。
This was as far as I could go, and as far as I wanted to go.


Mrs. Torres念:其實沒那麼糟糕啦。反正也是一種經驗。只是為了娛樂效果,加了一點油,也加了一點醋。大家看看就好。反正曼聯迷也可以在自己blog裡罵我們啊。哈哈!

