英國人說懶也是懶得可以。反正閒著也是閒著。寫論文寫到悶寫到煩,怎麼都不會想到要出來透透氣來聚會一下哩?前幾個禮拜我就發出email問大家什麼時候有空。回傳給我的人附上了日期就決定在某天出來聚一聚。其實我的要求不高。硬碟.光碟.備份救援.還原工具你們看文看到現在也應該發現,除非是我一個人單獨行動才會對地點有所要求。如果是跟朋友,因為有他們的陪伴,去哪裡做什麼我都比較不會太在意。[除非是太花錢或是我真的沒興趣想做的事情... ]
English people can be quite lazy sometimes. Even when they have nothing to do, or if they get so fed up with their dissertation, they wouldn't even think about getting a small group together for some fun. I sent off an email a couple of weeks ago to arrange this. After getting people's replies, I set out a date for us to meet and catch up. You should know by now, that it is only when I'm alone, when I'm more picky about where I go. If I'm with friends, I really don't mind where we go or what we do, unless of course, if it costs too much or if they intend to do something I have absolutely no interest in doing... ]
We met at five that afternoon. I was called in to do a campus tour, and thought I might be a little late. I told them I would be there, so they needn't worry about me not showing up. After we finally met, we chatted for about two hours till hour tummies got hungry. As we are all in the midst of our busiest times, and could not afford to make extra income to support ourselves, all we could afford was cheap food that could fill our tummies. Seriously, there is no need to get all excited. But in fact, it is because of this exact reason, that makes this meal extra surprising!
I was quite surprised by the first bite. It was rather delicious. Or was it because I'm so easily satisfied? After a couple of mouthfuls, it became quite spicy, but still tolerable. It's not often that I get to consume rice and chips at the same time. What a strange feeling.
I told my mates that kebabs are interesting. It's a legitimate way of 'playing with your food'.
Only two of us ordered cheese cake, but everyone got a bite. It was quite good. Although all the had to do was defrost it [probably], there is really no need to be too picky on a restaurant this size, is there?
天仙念:吃完之後我們又回去pub聊了一小時才肯宣佈散會。這天最令人感動的是我們來自沙烏地阿拉伯的那位回教徒同學也來跟我們一起去pub聊天然後吃晚餐囉![當然,他喝的是果汁... ]