當去年小民把有星星的晚上那首歌寫完拿給我聽的時候 , 我第一個連想到這首August.


上去唱個幾句 . 之後 ,我也有拿給小民聽 , 大家聽完都覺得很有趣....有趣的巧合 !!XBOX-DVD

不過後來決定把有星星的晚上這首歌留著給旺福並且大家把整首歌都編完得時候 ,


Rilo kiley走的是清晰花草 , 青春路線

旺福則是成熟復古 , 民歌路線 !xyz軟體補給站!!哈哈哈哈!!!

August / Rilo Kiley
augusti'll see you soon
under yellow moons
where i'll gather what's left of you

and august
i'm on your side
or did i speak to soon?
now we've crossed the great divide

someday we'll meet beyond the stars
and it'll be away from here
somebody we'll meet beyond the time and the bars
and it will be away from here

august of last year
before the leaves disappeared
told me you were not the one
something in your eyes
or was it that you lied?
told me not to take it to heart

someday we'll meet beyond the stars
and it will be away from here
someday we'll meet beyond the limits of who we are
and it will be away from here

someday we'll meet beyond the stars
and it'll be away from here
someday we'll meet beyond the land that you call miles away
away from here
